Bachelor of Arts in Economics, IT Minor
University of Massachusetts Amherst
I’m a sophomore undergraduate at the University of Massachusetts Amherst studying Economics with a minor in IT. I have a strong passion for graphic design, which gives me the opportunity to combine my creative ability with problem-solving to create appealing visuals. The blend fuels my work for strategic thinking, helping me keep efficient approaches to current and future projects.
“Ido Spigelman Does Graphic” is an Instagram page where I showcase my graphic design projects, primarily focused on the sports world. My designs range from player spotlights and game updates to news-related content. I am always seeking fresh inspiration for topics and am open to exploring new design opportunities in the future.
Created on October 25th (’24), the account has found great success. With many hours outside of designing spent on outreach, it has experienced numerous successful collaborations with accounts whose followings span in the tens of thousands. The quality of design and outreach has resulted in over 10,000 profile views, and it continues to rise as I maintain this trend.
MLfootball is a twitter-verified football news reporting company. I work for them as a remote design intern, contributing to several millions of views on their content. The designs featured above were only a few of this successful collaboration, with the statistics listed below.
Campus Design & Copy is a student-run organization at UMass Amherst that focuses on printing and creating designs for campus departments, clubs, and other organizations. As a co-manager heading marketing, I recently designed eye-catching flyers that promote our services as part of a marketing campaign. The visuals were aimed to resonate with students, along with highlighting our ability to help club-advertising.